
Felchlin sensory panel

Felchlin has an in-house expert panel, the so-called sensory panel, which consists of employees from different departments and areas of the company. Many years of experience and constant training define the professionalism of the team. The members are continuously trained on cacao and couvertures with samples being available daily, and are tested and evaluated according to predefined criteria.

The sensory panel has developed the Felchlin Aroma World, which describes and displays the different characters, aromas and intensities of the individual couvertures.

World of flavours

Extraordinary sense of taste

The core panel, which is a selection of employees from the sensory panel who qualify for the core team through continuous examinations, have an extraordinary sense of taste and bring exemplary knowledge due to years of experience. In addition to the couvertures, the core panel also tests the various cacao varieties and gives recommendations to the purchasing department.

The sensory activities serve not only internal but also for external purposes. The team is in active contact and also exchanges knowledge with universities and other chocolate manufacturers.

Regular Training

We not only need impeccable raw materials and careful processing, but also a trained palate and a finely tuned nose in order to ensure and continuously optimise the high quality of our products. The seasoned members of the sensory team train regularly so that they can recognise and define the subtlest nuances of flavour.

with Passion for quality